
One-on-one Coaching


“The one-on-one coaching I received from Heather helped me dramatically”
“…I knew that I needed to improve my English to further develop my career.”

“After the training sessions, I had an interview with one of the Big 4 Accounting firms.”

“I found I really benefited (from the training) because I found out where the problems were, and I performed well during the interview as I was very confident. Now I am with the firm I wanted to be with. So working with Heather has definitely been a great learning experience, and more than just learning how to speak.”

Rachel J. Li, Private Student

“I knew I had an accent but wasn’t aware of what the problems were…”

I didn’t have any idea how to correct them. It was very embarrassing when native speakers didn’t understand my oral English. I just wanted people to understand me! …read more >

Jenny Wong, private student

“The one-on-one training has been very helpful to correct my pronunciation. My colleagues now say I can speak very clearly.”

Corporate client, Brainhunter

“I often experienced prejudice because of my accent, as if I were unsophisticated…”

I was educated in China and Switzerland and have been working in Toronto for several years. I began my training motivated by the goal of improving both my personal and professional life” …read more >

Bruce Zhiyong Lui, Police Officer, Toronto Police Services

“In five sessions, I became clear on what to do and was given the tools to move forward with this work. As an actress, I recommend Voice to Word to anyone wanting to speak more clearly and in their own voice.”

Debora Demestre, private student

“In addition to the convenience of (on-line training) at a place of my choosing and timing…

I get more easily absorbed in the lesson being taught. I find the lessons to be more focused as both the teacher and the student are totally engaged and the process is very interactive.”

Neil Chan, private student

Seminars & Courses

“One of the best training classes I have ever had.”
“Not only interesting but also especially relevant for both the business world and social life.”

“Excellent! Very informative, practical and useful. Great material and presentation – too bad it wasn’t longer.”

Laurie Fleming, LEF/YBOC

“Very sensitive issue was presented factually and professionally.”

Vern Vautour, CBRC SEA Professional Development Conference

“Heather did a terrific job of covering several sections of this complicated subject.”

Good knowledge was provided and great handouts. (It was) well-structured which led to a great exchange of information.

Danny Brennan, Toronto Business Development Centre

“This pronunciation class was especially designed for Chinese.“

The instructor demonstrates extensive experience with Chinese and knows exactly the common speaking challenges we face. My favourite part is the one-on-one correction, which tells you what problems you have with which sounds and shows you how to make them right. I highly recommend it to anyone who is willing to improve his/her English-speaking skills.

Yucheng Zhang, CPAC student

Material Development

“…combines diverse elements into a cohesive and lively whole.”
“… Completes projects effectively and efficiently (with) remarkable organizational skills.”

“Heather’s technical expertise is accompanied by creativity, clarity and a strong sense of order. Her competence and initiative is displayed with warmth and consideration for others, creating a working environment which encourages the creative flow and is mutually enriching.”

Danniel Star, Danniel Star Seminars

“By drawing on her rich collection of skills — as cross-cultural educator, writer, artist, musician and producer — Heather has the ability to combine diverse elements into a cohesive and lively whole. The educational materials she creates are inspirational.”

Deborah Barndt, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University

“Heather designed tailored exercises to help me master the keys to correct pronunciation.”

Unlike most ESL training, the exercises and materials responded to my specific needs, arising from my language and cultural background.

Jenny Wong, Private Student

“Heather is one of the most creative and versatile people that I have ever worked with.”

“She completes projects effectively and efficiently due to her enthusiasm and remarkable organizational skills. Her attention to both the “big picture” as well as to the smallest details helped to make our working association a real pleasure.”

Merillee Brand, Learning Materials Facilitator, Toronto Board of Education

Angelica Castro

“I work as Emergency Management Advisor and, on a daily basis, prepare slide decks, write e-mails and give presentations. However, when I first started in this position, I had weaknesses in grammar, writing and accent which were causing me problems. I found that the meaning I was trying to convey was often misunderstood and I struggled over the correct wording. …Read More >

Bruce Zhiyong Lui

“I was educated in China and Switzerland and have been working in Toronto for several years. Although I have a Master degree and a professional background, I often experienced prejudice because of my accent, as if I were unsophisticated and not too intelligent. I began my training motivated by the goal of improving both my personal and professional life …Read More >

Val Kulkov

“In my work, I promote a system of computer modelling used by pharmaceutical companies and so I interact with clients in the US and worldwide. In general, I am completely comfortable interacting with others in English. But occasionally I have felt …Read More >

Warren Lee

“I have been in Canada for 13 years. For the first ten, I never thought of improving my English since, in my opinion, my skill was adequate for daily use in Canada. Three years ago, a new supervisor complained about my English and insisted I make some improvements …Read More >

Jenny Wong

“I knew I had an accent, but wasn’t aware of what the problems were so I didn’t have any idea how to correct them. It was very embarrassing when native speakers didn’t understand my oral English. I just wanted people to understand me! …Read More >

Shawn Jung

“I came to Canada from Korea. After six years in Canada, I had no problem communicating in English and felt confident with my pronunciation. One day, a friend mentioned that I had an accent. I was shocked — I couldn’t accept the fact that I had an accent …Read More >