Find out what to call your new colleague
By Canadian Immigrant Magazine
In any new job, it’s important to be professional and avoid embarrassment by calling colleagues by the correct name and title. This means both remembering colleagues’ names as well using the appropriate form of their names.
First Name or Full Name?
In most professional settings, introduce yourself to new colleagues by your first name only. Indeed, first names will suffice for most of your professional dealings. However, be careful to take a lead from those around you at work. If they introduce themselves by first name and surname, it is appropriate for you to do the same.
In Canada, there is usually no need to be overly formal with colleagues, even if you are used to a high degree of formality in the workplace. Be polite and respectful at all times, but you should also address them with a degree of congeniality that suits your relationship and the environment.
OK to Use Nicknames?
It is not uncommon to use nicknames to address colleagues with whom you have worked for a long period of time. However, in meetings with other people, always refer to these colleagues by their correct names, not their nicknames.