by Recommendation of Heather Chetwynd | Jan 28, 2015 | Non Verbal Communication
Making body language mistakes during a job interview could cost you a great opportunity. Just as our voice speaks, so does our body and people interpret what our body says based on cultural norms. Learning how people interpret what our body does, as well as becoming...
by Recommendation of Heather Chetwynd | Jan 27, 2015 | Accent Modification
I have often heard complaints about the glass ceiling facing non-native English speakers. And in my line of work, many new clients decide to work with us when they are in line for a potential promotion and/or are motivated after a performance review indicating issues...
by Recommendation of Heather Chetwynd | Jan 7, 2015 | Culture and Values
Cultural competence is becoming essential in the workplace, especially in a city as multicultural as Toronto is. This was driven home to me recently when I accompanied a friend of Ukrainian origin, who has cancer for the second time, to a doctor’s appointment to...
by Recommendation of Heather Chetwynd | Dec 17, 2014 | Language Training
In Canadian written English, it is important to learn how to be concise. This is a quality of well-written, refined writing and speaking, although it is not as important in casual speech. Being concise involves using specific vocabulary which more clearly states what...
by Heather Chetwynd | Nov 26, 2014 | Accent Modification
What is the relationship between spelling and pronunciation? I recently saw an article about the pronunciation of the word PHO, a popular Vietnamese noodle soup. Based on the spelling, most Canadians and Americans tend to pronounce the word as FOE (rhyming with the...