What is uptalk? When we ask a question which requires a yes or no answer – Do you live near here?⮵- our intonation rises. Sometimes we use this intonation throughout our speech. Because it is similar to the question intonation, it implies we are waiting for a response...
Vocal fry refers to what happens when the voice drops back into the throat so it sounds rough and deep. A very common behaviour, it is copied between peers, mostly unconsciously, a bit like using up-talk and fillers, for example, ‘like.’ The problem?...
How can we speak with authority? Well, first of all, stop using all those fillers, such as “you know” and “like.” Next, stop making statements sound like questions. Slam poetry performer, Taylor Mali, is also an educator and teacher advocate....
Have you noticed that some people sound less authoritative than others? It could be because they are unsure, hesitant or speaking too quietly for the context. But commonly the reason is the intonation being used – what we call “uptalk.” Also known as “upspeak,”...