Language changes whether we like it or not. I was forced to pronounce WHEN, WHICH and WHERE with air after the W, even though nobody I knew did it. But that was considered correct when I was young. And, as we know, what is considered correct is the language of...
When we compare a typical Australian accent and a Canadian accent, probably the main differences are in the vowels. And it seems the Australian vowels are more similar to each other than the Canadian ones. I have always found it interesting how babies are born with...
English spelling is so crazy and I am constantly apologizing to my students for this. While there are reasons for why it turned out like this. there are ongoing attempts to standardize the spelling, none of which have worked to date. It seems now there is, once...
In Canadian English, there are several ways to pronounce the letter /T/. This depends on where the letter is in the word and whether it begins a stressed syllable or not. If so, the sound is sharp and has quite a bit of air. But what about the /T/ between two vowels...
What we may call pronunciation errors are not always wrong. Actually, language changes follow natural patterns. So while my grade three teachers insisted we pronounce the H is when, where and why, we never did and I don’t now. But my parent’s generation...